Nederlands Low budget press trip

ENAJ inviterer til lavbudsjettspressetur til Nederland 23. til 26. mars.

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Frist for påmelding er 21. februar 2023.


Programme of the Low Budget Press Trip
Dutch Dairy – Innovations in emission
23-26 March 2023
Leeuwarden / Friesland, The Netherlands The Dutch agriculture and the dairy sector in particular are under heavy political and social pressure to reduce emissions. The radical interventions planned by the government have led to violent farm protest. It is clear that the farmers have to react to the new challenges.
The Dutch Guild of Agricultural Journalists NVLJ and ENAJ are inviting you to a press trip covering possible approaches to emission reductions that have measurable positive effects to the environment and don’t strangle agriculture in the same time. You will meet farmers, policy makers, researchers, scientists and other stakeholders explaining you the situation in detail. We would be very happy to welcome you on this trip!
Participation fee and number of participants:
185 Euros. See registration form for transfer details. 25 participants (max. 2 per country).

Included in the fee:

  • Three overnight stays in a group lodging on a former farm, sharing rooms based on availability.
  • Meals on Thursday evening, Friday, Saturday and breakfast on Sunday
  • Bus transportation on Friday and Saturday
  • Pickup from Leeuwarden train station can be arranged on request
    Not included in the fee:
  • Travel arrangement to the accommodation on your day of arrival
    Gast op Stal, Wyns 28, 9091BD Wyns, The Netherlands
    Sneak preview of the accommodation: Home • Gast op Stal • Bed and Breakfast in Friesland
    There are no single rooms, it’s either double rooms or rooms with more beds. Please bring a towel.
    If you prefer a hotel with a single room, it’s arrangeable but the price will be a lot higher (approximately 135 euro
    per night). Please be advised this will also be challenging with regards to transportation.
    Travel arrangements
    Please organize the travel yourself as follows:
    If you arrive by train:
    Please travel to Leeuwarden Station. A shuttle service will be organized from the Station to our farm stay.
    If you travel by plane: possible arrival airports are:
    Choose one of these Airports: Schiphol Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Maastricht-Aken or Rotterdam.
    After arrival, take a train to Leeuwarden Station (tickets can be bought at the ticket boots in the central hall of
    Schiphol Airport, direction for the train on the central displays). There will be a shuttle service to our farm stay.
    If you arrive by car
    Navigate directly to the lodge, the address is address: Wyns 28, 9091BD Wyns
    Program (provisional program; to be confirmed)
    Thursday, March 23
    Arrival in the Netherlands at your own preferable time
    A small meal or snack around will be available around dinner time, also for those who arrive later in the evening.
    Friday, March 24 (to be confirmed)
    8.00 h Breakfast
    9.30 h Welcome by NVLJ, Introduction to Dairy Campus and the emission challenges
    11.00 h Insights in Nitrogen challenge
    Speakers to be confirmed
    12.30 h Lunch break
    13.30 h Excursion around Dairy Campus
    15.30 h Solutions: what are the changes for Dutch Dairy – an interactive discussion with speakers
    and other experts
    17.30 h Drinks and diner
    21.30 h Return to the accommodation
    Saturday, March 25 (to be confirmed)
    8.30 h departure to farm 1
    9.00 h Excursion on farm – impact of emission rules and regulations on daily routine of farming
    Highlighting the ‘On the way to planet proof’ program of Friesland Campina
    11.15 h Arrival in Heerenveen at Lely Customer Centre
    12.30 h Lunch at Lely
    14.00 h arrival at farm 2
    14.15 h Excursion on farm – impact of emission rules and regulations on daily routine of farming
    Highlighting the sustainability goals of feed company Agrifirm, their policy to contribute to the UN climate
    goals and the way they formulate feed to assist farmers in their efforts to meet demands of society
    16.30 h Excursion on farm
    Highlighting a technical solution to achieve nitrogen reduction (to be confirmed)
    17.45 h Departure to accommodation
    19.00 h Buffet dinner at the accommodation
    Sunday March 26
    9.00 – 11.00 h Breakfast at accommodation
    11.00 h Shuttle to train station
    Or in case of own transportation: departure at your own chosen time
    Registration deadline
    Please submit your registration till February 21 2023 with the registration form, thanks!
    The Low Budget Press Trip is organised by
    Nederlandse Vereniging voor Landbouwjournalistiek (NVLJ) / Stichting Dutch Roots
    in collaboration with the European Network of Agricultural Journalist (ENAJ)
    It is supported by the following sponsors and further partners: